Set in a world in which imaginary friends coexist with humans, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends focuses on a boy named Mac, who is pressured by his mother to abandon his imaginary friend Bloo. After the duo discover an orphanage dedicated to housing abandoned imaginary friends, Bloo moves into the home and is kept from adoption as long as Mac visits him daily.
Funko's new wave of Foster's Home Pop! Vinyl Figures features Mac wearing his trademark red shirt, his egotistic imaginary friend Bloo, as well as Eduardo, a Latin American monster created by a young girl, Nina Valerosa, to protect her in a dangerous neighbourhood.
Let your imagination run wild by adding the new Foster's Home Pop! Vinyl Figures to your Funko collection today!
Product Specifications
- From Fosters Home, Mac, as a stylized Pop!
- Stylized collectable stands 3 ¾ inches tall, perfect for any Fosters Home fan!
- Collect and display all Fosters Home POP! Vinyls!
Length : 6.4 cm | Width : 6.4 cm |
Height : 9.5 cm |
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